
South Brent Primary School

South Brent Primary School


We see reading as the cornerstone of the children's education.  


Our aim is for all of our children to read accurately, fluently and with understanding, to gain a life-long enjoyment of reading and sharing books and for their reading to help develop their emotional intelligence and empathy. 


Reading in school

In Years 3 and 4, children who still require support with acquiring and applying phonics knowledge attend daily, targeted phonics sessions.  Other children attend additional reading sessions to work on the fluency or their reading and to practise reading comprehension strategies.  


All of the children in the unit read either independently or with an adult each day.  The majority of the children in the unit answer Accelerated Reader quizzes when they have finished what they are reading.  This enables us to monitor what the children are reading and their understanding of what they have read.  


Some of the books your child will read or have read to them during their time in Years 3 and 4 include:


Varjak Paw by S.F Said

The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate di Camillo

Brightstorm by Vashti Hardy

Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura

A Christmas Wish by Katherine Rundell

The Firework Maker's Daughter by Phillip Pullman.


Reading at home

Whilst we understand the enormous time pressures on many families, we would be very grateful if you could support your child's reading journey by reading at home.  This can take many forms: listening to your child read and talking to them about what they have read, reading to them, or enabling them to listen to an audiobook.  For children who are anxious about reading or reluctant to read at home, one approach that we have found successful is for parents/carers and children to take it in turn to read a page, paragraph or chapter of a book.  


Additional information and resources

Please see below for some links to websites that will support their children in their learning, and also some more information about Accelerated Reader.





We are currently running school tours for families with children starting primary school in September 2025! Please call us on 01364 72203 for more information and to book your place.